Greenpeace objavil nebezpečné chemikálie vo Vysokých Tatrách » Expedition to the High Tatras in Slovakia to Detox the Great Outdoors

8. septembra 2015 Expedition to the High Tatras in Slovakia to Detox the Great Outdoors © Tomáš Halász / GreenpeacePokračovať v čítaní

Expedition to the High Tatras, Carpathian Mountains, Slovakia. Water samples were taken from „Vyšné Žabie Bielovodské pleso“ mountain lake (1699 m); snow samples were taken at the same altitude on the banks of the lake.
Eight Greenpeace teams went to famous remote areas on three continents to collect water and snow samples and test them for PFCs, the hazardous chemicals used to make outdoor gear waterproof. They are already found deep in the ocean, on mountain tops, and in nearly all living creatures. Once released into the environment during industrial production, PFCs persist for millions of years and future generations will continue to be exposed via contaminated water, air and food.